
我正在 ECE UIC 攻读博士学位,由 Daniela Tuninetti 教授指导。之前,我曾就读于西安电子科技大学。我目前研究领域为信息论,目前活跃方向为 Coded Caching。我拥有 ECE UIC 的硕士学位以及 西安电子科技大学 的 计算机科学与技术 学士学位。我近年(预计到博士毕业之前)正在努力结合 Coded Caching 实际场景,即在理想模型基础上增加现实条件,使其从论文走向应用。


University of Illinois at Chicago - 美国
  • Doctor of Philosophy (博士), Electrical and Computer Engineering, 09/2020 - 现在
  • Master of Science (辅修硕士), Statistics, 09/2023 - 现在
  • Master of Science (硕士), Electrical and Computer Engineering, 09/2018 - 05/2020
西安电子科技大学 - 中国
  • 学士, 计算机科学与技术, 09/2015 - 06/2019


University of Illinois at Chicago - 美国
  • 研究助理(博士全奖), 由 Daniela Tuninetti 教授指导, 05/2020 - 现在
    • Coded caching in network coding theory.
    • Investigated feasibilities of multicast messages in SLFR model (yet another coded caching model on a higher finite field), see (MT2022a).
    • Enhence the coded caching system - from a paper design to a real system. so far we design a scheme handle with offline users, see (MT2022b)
  • 研究助理(见习), 由 Shuo Han 教授指导, 01/2020 - 05/2020
    • Distributed optimization and consensus optimization, [链接].
    • 在 UIC 高性能集群上运行对应的优化算法,包括 ADMM, variation reduction, asynchronous gradient method。


  1. Journals
  2. Conferences
    • (MT2022b) Yinbin Ma, Daniela Tuninetti, On Coded Caching Systems with Offline Users, 2022 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT). IEEE, 2022. [arXiv]
    • (MT2023a) Yinbin Ma, Daniela Tuninetti, Demand Privacy in Hotplug Caching Systems, 2023 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT). IEEE, 2023. [arXiv]
    • (MT2023b) Yinbin Ma, Daniela Tuninetti, Coded Caching with Linear Coded Placement: Exact Tradeoff for the Three User Case, 2023 59th Annual Allerton Conference on Communication, Control, and Computing (Allerton). IEEE, 2023. [draft] [slides]
  3. Preprints


  • Reviewer of the following journals and conferences
    • IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT)
    • IEEE Communications Letters
    • IEEE Transactions on Communications
    • IEEE Information Theory Workshop
    • IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communication


  • The Most Innovative Project Prize, UIC Engineering Expo 2019, 本科毕业设计, [链接]


  • 我参加了西电留学处和 UIC 的 3+2 计划, UIC 方面由 刘德荣 老师主持负责。感谢刘老师以及西电留学处老师。
  • 我是西电微软学生俱乐部 2018 - 2019 学年主席。
  • 我毕业于云南师大附中。